
Staff Members


Name: Siro Simizu
High school I graduated: 千葉市立千葉高等学校(理数科)
Nonscientific interests: Eating/drinking with students, ONE PIECE, movies
Constellation: Aquarius
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Research Associate

Name: Ryota Kawahara
High school I graduated: 福岡大学附属大濠高等学校
Nonscientific interests: Baseball, jogging, reading books
Constellation: Aries
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Graduate Students

Doctor Course 1-year (Japanese Alphabetical)

Name: Shigehito Kadono
High school I graduated: 獨協高等学校
Nonscientific interests: Reading books
Constellation: Leo
1. Mori K, Suzuki T, Waki U, Hayashi S, Kadono S, Kawahara R, Takeuchi M, Mizuta H, Dohmae N, Katayama R & Simizu S. Identification of C-mannosylation in a receptor tyrosine kinase AXL. Glycobiology 34, cwae096 (2024)

Master Course 2-year (Japanese Alphabetical)

Name: Mami Iwata
High school I graduated: 桐蔭学園高等学校
Nonscientific interests: Reading, cooking, music
Constellation: Aquarius
Name: Tomoko Usami
High school I graduated: 慶應義塾湘南藤沢高等部
Nonscientific interests: Board game, miffy
Constellation: Gemini
1.Kawahara R, Usami T, Arakawa S, Kamo H, Suzuki T, Komatsu R, Hara H, Niwa Y, Shimizu E, Dohmae N, Shimizu S & Simizu S. Biogenesis of fibrils requires C-mannosylation of PMEL. FEBS J. 290, 5373-5394 (2023)
Name: Takato Kobayashi
High school I graduated: 昭和学院秀英高等学校
Nonscientific interests: Soccer, mountain climbing
Constellation: Taurus
Name: Ryoya Shimazoe
High school I graduated: 早稲田高等学校
Nonscientific interests: Watching sports
Constellation: Leo
Name: Sayaka Sugayama
High school I graduated: 浦和明の星女子高等学校
Nonscientific interests: Playing the piano, reading comics
Constellation: Capricorn
Name: Yuma Yoshioka
High school I graduated: 都立小松川高等学校
Nonscientific interests: Magic
Constellation: Libra
Name: Masataka Yoshida
High school I graduated: 城西大学付属川越高等学校
Nonscientific interests: Playing games and watching professional games
Constellation: Cancer

Master Course 1-year (Japanese Alphabetical)

Name: Miyuna Uematsu
High school I graduated: 神奈川県立小田原高等学校
Nonscientific interests: Dance, cooking
Constellation: Leo
Name: Haruna Togawa
High school I graduated: 福岡県立筑紫丘高等学校
Nonscientific interests: Driving, listening to music
Constellation: Pisces
Name: Natsumi Harai
High school I graduated: 中央大学附属高等学校
Nonscientific interests: Listening to music, cooking
Constellation: Leo
Name: Honomi Mori
High school I graduated: 福井県立藤島高等学校
Nonscientific interests: Cooking, musical, singing
Constellation: Virgo
Name: Tomoki Yoshida
High school I graduated: 学習院高等科
Nonscientific interests: Listening to music, playing video games
Constellation: Cancer

Undergraduate Students

Bachelor 4-year (Japanese Alphabetical)

Name: Sayaka Okubo
High school I graduated: 普連土学園高等学校
Nonscientific interests: Dance, listening to music 
Constellation: Leo
Name: Takumi Oguchi
High school I graduated: 安田学園高等学校
Nonscientific interests: Playing game, play sports
Constellation: Cancer
Name: Suzuka Shinozaki
High school I graduated: 東京都立桜修館中等教育学校
Nonscientific interests: Traveling, listening to music
Constellation: Aquarius
Name: Koh Furushima
High school I graduated: 慶應義塾高等学校
Nonscientific interests: Playing videogames, living healthy
Constellation: Taurus
Name: Akari Murase
High school I graduated: 神奈川県立湘南高等学校
Nonscientific interests: Cafe hopping
Constellation: Leo
Name: Hirotaka Mochida
High school I graduated: 群馬県立中央中等教育学校
Nonscientific interests: Fishing
Constellation: Libra
Name: Ryotaro Kagei
High school I graduated: 麻布高等学校
Nonscientific interests: Watching soccer games
Constellation: Taurus


Name: Arisa Inoue
Nonscientific interests: Playing with the cat, ONE PIECE
Constellation: Sagittarius
