学術論文 Article
- A Simplified Model for Predicting Changes to Ultrafine Bubble Size Distributions under Flowing Conditions
混相流研究の進展, Vol.38, No.3, pp. 281-288(2024) - Development of a portable device for the viscosity measurement of non-Newtonian fluids based on pressurized laminar flow
Nobuaki IKEDA, Daisuke FUNAYAMA, Satoko FUJIOKA, Koichi TERASAKA
混相流研究の進展,Vo.38, No.3, pp. 269-280(2024) - 酸素混合スチームの連続急速凝縮によるウルトラファインバブル水製造
田口 虹太, Rahimian Benjamin, 寺坂宏一, 藤岡 沙都子, Schluter Michael
混相流研究の進展,Vo.38, No.3, pp. 299-304(2024) - 舶用中速ディーゼル機関における空気微細気泡を混入したC重油の燃焼および排ガス特性
川原秀夫, 上村尚希, 山下裕史, 中武靖仁, 寺坂宏一, 河原寛, 後藤英親
日本マリンエンジニアリング学会誌, Vol.58, No.2, pp.128-136 (2023) - Extraction of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural under hydrogen peroxide in liquid-liquid slug flow of water/methylisobuthylketon biphasic system and effect of hemin
Toshinori SHIMANOUCHI, Sota SANAGI, Satoko FUJIOKA, Koichi TERASAKA, and Yukitaka KIMURA
Solvent Extraction Research and Development of Japan, vol.31 (2024) - Enhanced enzyme stability and gas utilization by microbubble aeration applying microporous aerators
Benjamin Thomas, Daniel Ohde, Simon Matthes, Paul Bubenheim, Koichi Terasaka, Michael Schlüterb and Andreas Liese
Catalysis Science & Technology, 2023, 13, 1098–1110 - Ultrafine bubble generation by rapid condensation of mixed vapor of non-condensable gas and steam
K. Terasaka, K. Taguchi, T. Tetsuka, S. Fujioka
Chemical Engineering Science, 263, 118070 (2022), doi.org/10.1016/j.ces.2022.118070 - 超純水中の空気ウルトラファインバブルの保存、輸送、濃縮、希釈及び除去
寺坂宏一, 田中俊也
混相流, Vol.36, No.1, pp.4-11(2022) - 鉄道各所へのウルトラファインバブル水の応用(ブラシ洗浄機による洗浄効果とクロス拭き時の摩擦低減効果)
鈴木隆起, 赤対秀明, 秦隆志, 西内悠祐, 多田佳織, 早水庸隆, 藤井貴敏, 氷室昭三, 寺坂宏一
混相流, Vol.36, No.1, pp.28-35(2022) - 最近の化学工学70「進化するファインバブル技術と応用展開」
化学工学会関東支部編,ファインバブル学会連合編,三恵社(2022), ISBN978-4-86693-592-8 - Microbubble generation with rapid dissolution of ammonia (NH3)-hydrogen (H2) mixed gas fed from a nozzle into water
T. Kobayashi, S. Fujioka, S. Tanaka, K. Terasaka
Chemical Engineering Science, 248, 117155 (2022), doi.org/10.1016/j.ces.2021.117155 - 空気微細気泡A重油による高速ディーゼル機関の燃費とNOX低減
日本マリンエンジニアリング学会誌, Vol.56, No.4, pp.152-158 (2021) - Unique Properties of Fine Bubbles in the Electrochemical Reduction of Carbon
Dioxide Using Boron-doped Diamond Electrodes
M. Tomosaki, K. Natsui, S. Fjioka, K. Terasaka, Y. Einaga
Electrochimica Acta, 389, 138769 (2021) - Ultrafine Bubbles
K. Terasaka, K. Yasui, W. Kanematsu, N. Aya, Edited.
Jenny Stanford Publishing, 2021, ISBN 979- 981-487-7596 - ウルトラファインバブル水の国際輸送
田中俊也, 成瀬祐里, 寺坂宏一, 藤岡沙都子, 山本陽子, 野口雄介, 山崎京香, 庄村拓也, 原田駿
混相流, Vol.35, No.1, pp.185-196(2021) - Experimental study and prediction by CFD on self-induced sloshing caused by bubble flow in a rectangular vessel
R. Aoki, S. Fujioka, K. Terasaka
Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, Vol.54, No.2, pp.51-57(2021) - Generation and Long-term Stability of Ultrafine Bubbles in Water
S. Tanaka, K. Terasaka, S. Fujioka
Chemie Ingenieur Technik, Vol. 93, Issue 1-2, pp.168-179 (2021) DOI:10.1002/cite.202000143 - Dissolution and Shrinking of a Single Microbubble in Stationary Liquid with Surfactants
S. Fujioka, K. Mizuno, K. Terasaka
Chemie Ingenieur Technik,ol. 93, Issue 1-2, pp.216-222 (2021), doi.org/10.1002/cite.202000144 - Concentration and Dilution of Ultrafine Bubbles in Water
S. Tanaka, Y. Naruse, K. Terasaka, S. Fujioka
Colloids and Interfaces, 4(4), 50(2020) doi: 10.3390/colloids4040050 - Destabilization of ultrafine bubbles in water using indirect ultrasonic irradiation
S. Tanaka, H. Kobayashi, S. Ohuchi, K. Terasaka, S. Fujioka
Ultrasonics - Sonochemistry,Vol. 71, 105366 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ultsonch.2020.105366 - Microbubble enhanced mass transfer efficiency ofCO2capture utilizing aqueous triethanolamine forenzymatic resorcinol carboxylation
D, Ohde, B. Thomas, S Matthes, S. Tanaka, P Bubenheim, K. Terasaka, M. Schl̈uter and A. Liese
Royal Society of Chemistry, 11, 4087–4096 (2021), DOI:10.1039/d0ra08690h - Characterization of Water/Organic Biphasic System in Liquid-Liquid Slug Flow under Hydrothermal Conditions: Solvation, Vorticity, and Hydrophobicity
T. Shimanouchi, S. Fujioka, T. Tanifuji, K. Yamamoto, K. Terasaka, Y. Kimura
Solvent Extraction Research and Development, Japan, 28, 1, 21–35 (2021), doi.org/10.15261/serdj.28.21 - Hydrodynamic and Mass Transfer Correlation in a Microbubble Aerated Stirred Tank Reactor
S. Matthes, B. Thomas, D. Ohde, M. Hoffmann, P. Budenheim, A. Liese, S. Tanaka, K. Terasaka, M. Schlueter
Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, Vol.53(10), pp. 577-584 (2020) - Comparative investigation of fine bubble and macrobubbleaeration on gas utility and biotransformation productivity
B, Thomas, D. Ohde, S, Matthes, C. Engelmann, P. Budenheim, K. Terasaka, M. Schlueter, A. Liese
Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol.118, Issue 1, pp.130-141, (2021) DOI:10.1002/bit.27556 - 加減圧の繰り返し操作による水中からのウルトラファインバブル生成
山崎京香, 寺坂宏一, 藤岡沙都子
混相流, Vol.34, No.4, pp.532-540 (2020) https://doi.org/10.3811/jjmf.2020.030 - 加圧容器からのスプレー噴射による酸素ウルトラファインバブル水の製造
山崎京香, 寺坂宏一, 藤岡沙都子
混相流, Vol. 34, No.3, pp.436-443 (2020) https://doi.org/10.3811/jjmf.2020.027 - Fine Bubble-based CO2 Capture Mediated by Trithanoamine Coupled to Whole Cell Biotransformation
D. Ohde, B, Thomas, S, Matthes, Z. Percin, C. Engelmann, P. Budenheim, K. Terasaka, M. Schlueter, A. Liese
Chemie Ingenieur Technik, Vol.91(12), pp. 1822-1826(2019) DOI:10.1002/cite.201900113 "TOP DOWNLOADED PAPER 2018-2019" - Absorption of Carbon Dioxide at High Temperature with Molten Alkali Carbonate Using Bubble Column Reactor
Y. Kanai, K. Terasaka, S. Fujioka and K.Fukunaga
J. Chem. Eng. Japan, Vol.52(1), pp.31-40 (2019) - ファインバブルを用いた洗浄・浄化に関する研究
混相流,Vol.32, No.1 pp.4-11(2018) - 水平摺動するノズルからの微細気泡生成
混相流,Vol.31, No.4 pp.422-426(2018) - The Establishment of Experimental Method to Observe Bubble Formation in High Temperature Molten Salt System and Estimation of Generated Bubble Size
Y. Kanai, K. Terasaka, S. Fujioka and K. Suzukawa
J. Chem. Eng. Japan, Vol.50(2), pp.86-93 (2017) - 水中を収縮しつつ浮上する単一マイクロバブルからの物質移動
岩切扶樹,寺坂宏一,藤岡沙都子, M. Schlueter, S. Kastens and 田中俊也
混相流,Vol.30,No.5 pp.529-535(2017) - ファインバブル入門
ファインバブル学会連合監修,日刊工業新聞社(2016), ISBN978-4-526-07625-1 - Estimation of total oxygen transfer into aeration tank
K. Shibata, K. Terasaka, S. Fujioka and K. Kato
J. Chem. Eng. Japan, Vol.49(7), pp.588-594 (2016) - Oxygen transfer from a free surface and dispersed bubbles in an aeration tank
K. Shibata, K. Terasaka, S. Fujioka and K. Kato
J. Chem. Eng. Japan, Vol.49(5), pp.391-398 (2016) - Water / Methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) Biphasic System in Slug Flow under High Temperature and Pressure Conditions
T. Shimanouchi, T. Tanifuji, S. Fujioka, K. Terasaka and Y. Kimura
Solvent Extraction Research and Development Japan, 21(2), 201-209(2014) - ファインバブルのトレンドと課題
化学工学誌, Vol.78, NO.9, pp.582-584(2014) - Mass Transfer in Molten Salt and Suspended Molten Salt in Bubble Column
Y. Kanai, K. Fukunaga, K. Terasaka and S. Fujioka
Chem. Eng. Sci., 100, 153-159 (2013) - Oxygen Transfer into Xanthan Solutions in Partitioned Bubble Columns
K. Terasaka, J. Nitta, H. Fukuda, M. Iwahashi, T. Goshima, S. Fujioka
J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 46(1),33-39(2013) - Gas and Liquid Two-phase Flow Injected Directly into Vertical Mini-channel
T. Goshima, K. Terasaka, S. Fujioka
J. Chem. Eng. Japan 45(9), 696-702(2012) - Development of Multi-slit Type Submilli-bubble Distributor for Gas Absorption
S. Fujioka, K. Kaneko, K. Terasaka, Y. Sasada, T. Goshima and D. Kobayashi
J. Chem. Eng. Japan 45(9), 691-695(2012) - Development of Slurry Bubble Column with Lithium Silicate to Recover Hot CO2 Gas from Flue Gas
Y, Kanai, K. Terasaka, M. Swabe, S. Fujioka and D. Kobayashi
J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 45(9), 645-650(2012) - (総説)マイクロバブル・ナノバブルの食品・農業分野への応用, 特集マイクロバブル・ナノバブルの最新動向
月刊ファインケミカル, 41(2), 5-6 (2012)
- Advances in basic treatment technology for ultrafine bubble water- Storage, transportation, concentration, dilution and removal -
K. Terasaka, S. Tanaka, S. Harada, S. Fujioka
5th International Symposium on Application of High-voltage, Plasma & Micro/Nano(Fine) Bubbles to Agriculture, Aquaculture and Food Safety (5th ISHPMNB2021) - Effect of storage temperature on the colloidal stability of ultrafine bubbles in pure water
S. Tanaka, S. Fujioka, K. Terasaka
Okinawa Colloids2019s
3-8 Nov 2019, Okinawa, Japan - Study on Floor Cleaning by Ultra Fine Bubbles
S. Nagata, H. Matsuyama, T. Suzuki, H. Shakutsui., Y. Hayamizu, T. Fujii, T. Hata, Y. Nishiuchi,, S. Himuro, K. Terasaka
Second International Workshop on the Applications of Fine and Ultrafine Bubbles
24-25 Oct 2019, Halifax, Canada - Ultrafine Bubble Stability During Aquaculture Nutrient Distribution
S. Harada, A. Donaldson, A. M. Al Taweel, K. Terasaka
Second International Workshop on the Applications of Fine and Ultrafine Bubbles
24-25 Oct 2019, Halifax, Canada - Separation, dilution and concentration of ultrafine bubbles in water
Y. Naruse, K. Terasaka, S. Fujioka
Second International Workshop on the Applications of Fine and Ultrafine Bubbles
24-25 Oct 2019, Halifax, Canada - Ultrafine bubble formation by spray injection from pressurized container
K. Yamazaki, S. Fujioka, K. Terasaka
Second International Workshop on the Applications of Fine and Ultrafine Bubbles
24-25 Oct 2019, Halifax, Canada - An Introduction to Fine Bubble Applications
K. Terasaka
Second International Workshop on the Applications of Fine and Ultrafine Bubbles
24-25 Oct 2019, Halifax, Canada - Influence of Microbubble Aeration on Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer in a Lab Scaled Stirred Tank Reactor
S. Matthes, B. Thomas, P. Bubenheim, A. Liese, K. Terasaka, M. Schlueter
12th European Congress of Chemical Engineering
15-19 Sep 2019, Florence, Italy - Mass Transfer from Freely Rising Microbubbles in Aqueous Solutions of Surfactant or Salt
S. Tanaka, S. Kastens, S. Fujioka, M. Schlueter, K. Terasaka
14th International Conference on Gas-Liquid and Gas-Solid-Liquid Reactor Engineering)
2 Jun 2019, Guilin, China - Promotion of Barley Germination for German Beer Brewing with Ultrafine Bubble Water
R. Sekimizu, K. Terasaka, S. Kastens, M. Schlueter and S. Fujioka
3rd International symposium on Application of High-voltage, Plasma & Micro/Nano Bubble (Fine Bubble) to Agriculture and Aquaculture (3rd ISHPMNB)
9-12 May 2018, Iwate, Japan - Penetration and Standardization of Fine Bubble Technology and International Expansion
K. Terasaka
The 3rd Symposium on the Union of Fine Bubble Scientists and Engineers
8 Dec 2017, Chiba, Japan - Japan-German-Canada Cross-Cross Consortium of Fine Bubble Science
K. Terasaka
The 10th International Symposium on Fine Bubble Technology
6 Dec 2017, Tokyo, Japan - Development of Large-Capacity DDS carriers Releasing by Heat for Industrial Process
Y. Noguchi, K. Terasaka and S. Fujioka
10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering (WCCE2017)
1-5 Oct 2017, Barcelona, Spain - Predicting Bubble Size Distributions in Gas-Liquid Stirred Tank by Using Breakage Model for Single Bubble
T. Tsuji, S. Fujioka and K. Terasaka
10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering (WCCE2017)
1-5 Oct 2017, Barcelona, Spain - Contribution of Oxygen Absorption from Free Surface in Aerated Tank
K. Sudo, K. Shibata, K. Terasaka and S. Fujioka
14th International Conference on Multiphase Flow in Industrial Plant (MFIP2017)
13-15 Sep 2017, Desenzano del Garda, Italy - Oxygen Transfer and Gas Holdup of Aeration Tank
K. Shibata, K. Terasaka and S. Fujioka
14th International Conference on Multiphase Flow in Industrial Plant (MFIP2017)
13-15 Sep 2017, Desenzano del Garda, Italy - Separation of Ultrafine Bubbles from Water by Slow Freezing-Melting
N. Yoda, K. Terasaka and S. Fujioka
The 13th International Conference on Gas-Liquid & Gas-Liquid-Solid Reactor Engineering (GLS-13)
20-23 Aug 2017, Brussels, Belguim - Mass Transfer from a Fast Shrinking Microbubble Containing N2 and/or O2 into water
S. Tanaka, M. Iwakiri, K. Terasaka, S. Kastens, and M. Schlueter
The 13th International Conference on Gas-Liquid & Gas-Liquid-Solid Reactor Engineering (GLS-13)
20-23 Aug 2017, Brussels, Belguim - Mass Transfer during a Gas Dissolution Process around a Stationary Single Microbubble
T. Shigehisa, S. Fujioka and K. Terasaka
The 13th International Conference on Gas-Liquid & Gas-Liquid-Solid Reactor Engineering (GLS-13)
20-23 Aug 2017, Brussels, Belguim - Prediction of Pressure Drop of Liquid-Liquid Slug Flow in Milli-channels
S. Fujioka, S. Sano and K. Terasaka
3rd International Symposium on Multiscale Multiphase Process Engineering (MMPE2017)
8-11, May 2017,Toyama, Japan - Fast Mass Transfer from a Single Shrinking Microbubble into Water
S. Tanaka, M. Iwakiri, K. Terasaka, S. Kastens, and M. Schlueter
2nd International Symposium on Multiscale Multiphase Process Engineering (MMPE2014)
8-11, May 2017,Toyama, Japan - Applications of Fine Bubble Technology for Wall Cleaning
K. Terasaka
22nd International Symposium on Fluidization and Particle Processing
8-9 Dec 2016, Tokyo, Japan - Fine bubbles and Chemical Engineering
K. Terasaka
The 2nd Symposium on the Union of Fine Bubble Scientists and Engineers
7 Dec 2016, Tokyo, Japan - Fine bubble technology toward to fine bubble science
K. Terasaka
The 8th International Symposium on Fine Bubbles
6 Dec 2016, Tokyo, Japan - Storage and dilution of ultrafine bubble water
M. Watanabe, K. Terasaka and S. Fujioka
International Workshop on Process Intensification 2016 (IWPI2016)
29-30 Sep. 2016, Manchester, UK - Ultrafine bubble separation from water by slow freezing and melting
H. Yoda, K. Terasaka and S. Fujioka
International Workshop on Process Intensification 2016 (IWPI2016)
29-30 Sep. 2016, Manchester, UK - Generation of High-Concentration Spot by Rapid Gas Dissolution from a Shrinking Single Bubble into Water
T. Shigehisa, S. Fujioka and K. Terasaka
International Workshop on Process Intensification 2016 (IWPI2016)
29-30 Sep. 2016, Manchester, UK - Mass Transfer at Shrinking Single Microbubble Rising in Water
M. Iwakiri, K. Terasaka, S. Fujioka, S. Kastens and M. Schlueter
11th European Fluid Mechanics Conference (EFMC11)
12-16 Sep. 2016, Sevile, Spain - Microbubble generation from ultrafine bubble water by ultrasonic stimulation
K. Terasaka, N. Harasawa, I. Yamazaki and S. Fujioka
9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow(ICMF2017)
22-27 May 2016, Firenze, Italy - Polluted water treatment and cleaning with fine bubble water
K. Terasak
Second International Symposium on Advanced Water Scence and Technologyy (ISAWAST-2)
15-17 Feb. 2016, Nagoya, Japan - Microbubble generation from gas supersaturated water by ultrasonic stimulation
K. Terasaka, I. Yamazaki and S. Fujioka
Pacifichem 2015
15-20 Dec. 2015, Honolulu, USA - Development and Applications of Fine Bubble Technology
K. Terasaka
The 6th International Symposium on Fine Bubbles
26 Dec 2015, Osaka, Japan - Separation of Albumin Suspended in Water with Submilli-bubbles
A. Tanaka, K. Terasaka and S. Fujioka
27 Sep.-1 Oct. 2015, Melbourn, Austraria - Dissolution and Shrinking Behavior of a Microbubble in a Microchannel
S. Fujioka, K. Ikeda and K. Terasaka
27 Sep.-1 Oct. 2015, Melbourn, Austraria - Outlook and International Standardization of Fine Bubble Technology
K. Terasaka
The 5th International Symposium on Fine Bubbles
17 Dec 2014, Tokyo, Japan - Applications of Fine Bubble Technology for Industry
K. Terasaka and S. Fujioka
2nd International Symposium on Multiscale Multiphase Process Engineering (MMPE2014)
24-17, Sep 2014, Hamburg, Germany - Development of Static Mixer for Emulsification and Dispersion
S. Fujioka, N. Myoga, and K. Terasaka
2nd International Symposium on Multiscale Multiphase Process Engineering (MMPE2014)
24-17, Sep 2014, Hamburg, Germany - Building Up of the CFD Model for Spiral Flow Aeration Tank
K. Shibata, K. Terasaka, S. Fujioka,
2nd International Symposium on Multiscale Multiphase Process Engineering (MMPE2014)
24-17, Sep 2014, Hamburg, Germany - Removal of Egg Yolk Contaminated in Egg White Using Microbubble Flotation
Y. Oeda, K. Terasaka, S. Fujioka A. Handa
2nd International Symposium on Multiscale Multiphase Process Engineering (MMPE2014)
24-17, Sep 2014, Hamburg, Germany - Reduction of Excess Activated Sludge by Inducing Ozone Microbubbles
N. Kurabe, K. Terasaka, S. Fujioka
2nd International Symposium on Multiscale Multiphase Process Engineering (MMPE2014)
24-17, Sep 2014, Hamburg, Germany - Shrinking Microbubble in Microchannel Made of PDMS
K. Ikeda, S. Fujioka and K. Terasaka
2nd International Symposium on Multiscale Multiphase Process Engineering (MMPE2014)
24-17, Sep 2014, Hamburg, Germany - Development of Bubble Shearing Model to Design Aerated Stirred Tank
N. Namai, S. Fujioka, K. Tanaka and K. Terasaka
2nd International Symposium on Multiscale Multiphase Process Engineering (MMPE2014)
24-17, Sep 2014, Hamburg, Germany - Production of Hollow Silver Particles Using Microbubbles
M. Iwakiri, K. Terasaka, Y. Wakasa and S. Fujioka
2nd International Symposium on Multiscale Multiphase Process Engineering (MMPE2014)
24-17, Sep 2014, Hamburg, Germany - Investigation on Defouling of Microfluidic Channels with Ultrafine Bubble Technology
T.-N. Tzeng, S. Fujioka, K. Terasaka, M. Schluter and H. K. Trieu
2nd International Symposium on Multiscale Multiphase Process Engineering (MMPE2014)
24-17, Sep 2014, Hamburg, Germany - Use of Liquid-Liquid Slug Flow in Micro Capirary for Reaction And Separation of Frufural Derivative under Subcritical Water
T. Shimanouchi, T. Tanifuji, Y. Kataoka, S. Ueno, S. Fujioka and K. Terasaka
2nd International Symposium on Multiscale Multiphase Process Engineering (MMPE2014)
24-17, Sep 2014, Hamburg, Germany - New Electricity Generation System Using a Bubble Column
Y. Matsukuma, N. Shimada, K. Terasaka, S. Iwata, M. Ohta, S. Fujioka, S. Honma, and K. Mizuta
2nd International Symposium on Multiscale Multiphase Process Engineering (MMPE2014)
24-17, Sep 2014, Hamburg, Germany - Present and Future of Fine Bubble Technology and the Needs of International Stadarization
K. Terasaka
The 2nd International Symposium on Fine Bubbles
13 Dec 2013, Kyoto, Japan - Microbubble Formation By Using a Microchannel and Its Shrinking Behavior
S, Fujioka, K. Ikeda and K. Terasaka
19th World Congress of Chemical Engineering
18-23 Aug 2013, Seoul, Korea - Mass Transfer in Molten Salt and Suspended Molten Salt in Bubble Column
Y. Kanai, K. Fukunaga, K. Terasaka and S. Fujioka
The 11th International Conference on Gas-Liquid & Gas-Liquid-Solid Reactor Engineering (GLS-11)
18-23 Aug 2013, Seoul, Korea - Evaluation of Oxygen Transfer Model in Plant Scale Bubble Column
K. Shibata, K. Terasaka and K. Kato
International Conference on Multiphase Flow 2013
26-31 May 2013, Jeju, Korea - Fundamentals, measurement and applications of nanobubbles and microbubbles
K. Terasaka
The 1st International Symposium on Fine Bubbles
13 Dec 2012, Mita, Japan - Recovery of Polyphenol in Water Using Microbubble Flotation
K. Terasaka, T. Yamaguchi and S. Fujioka
The 23rd International Symposium on Transport Phenomena
19-22 Nov 2012, Oakland, Newzeeland